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Effects on Bad Hire

Hiring the right talent is pinnacle for any organizational success. However, despite concerted effort put into hiring the right talent, many companies are still vulnerable to bad hires.

There are many reasons to hire the right talent, but only 1 reason to ruin it all. Organizations, big or small, are not aware of the effects of bad hire and how to reduce it. Thus the same hiring practice will go uncorrected.

High Cost: Re-hiring & Re-training

What is your company hiring cost per employee? Recruitment fees? Job advertisement? Interviewer’s time? Downtime during the absence of the employee?

Companies put a lot of resources (money) into hiring an employee. After on-boarding, further efforts to incorporate the employee into the workforce. Imagine you hire a person only to find out three months later, he is not the right fit for the position. Your company decided to let him go and the cycle repeats!

Bad Influence to Existing Team

Companies take a lot of time and effort to cultivate a good office culture and environment. However, it takes only a few individuals with bad influence to spoil it all.

People who only strive on office politics, make it a bad environment for all staffs. They create a perception that one can only succeed by jeopardizing the others.

There are many other examples of bad influence such as always arriving late, always complaining instead of doing actual work, gossiping and talking bad about other colleagues. It is akin to a bad apple will spoil the whole basket.

Time Consuming

TIME is of the ESSENCE. Every minute a company spent on not having the right employee is costing money.

It takes approximately 1 to 2 months to find out if the employee can or cannot perform and another 1 to 2 months to find a replacement. By then, 2-4 months have passed without a right employee and it is costing money if the company do not hire the right one in the first place by conducting proper checking/verification

High Turn-over

Employees usually leave for another job due to job mismatch or low staying power.

Job mismatch happens when the employer expectation did not match the experience or skills of the employee. Most of the time a job applicant will boast about his skills or achievements to score a job during the interview. This will lead to either the employee will leave for a better job or the employer will terminate the employee, leading to high turnover rate.

Low staying power can be avoided by finding out why exactly the employee leave the previous job. It can be due to his/her personal issues or just that the previous employer is not a good one.

After all, it is the employer’s obligation to find out the answers!

Company Reputation and Brand Affected

It is often said that the employees are the face of the company. Whatever the employees do, it will be reflected on the company. A bad employee will reflect badly on the company, especially if they are in the front line or the point of contact of the company.

The results can range from mild to disastrous. It may lead to company losing clientele due to bad customer service. At the very least, the company will get complaints about their employees giving the customers a bad attitude

Low Productivity

One of the most feared situation is when your team are not performing up to expectation. This happens when an employee over-promised or over-stated their achievement during an interview which leads to false expectation of the employer.

Very often this will continue and will affect the other team members until the company do something about it. This can be prevented if the company hired based on verified information and achievement of the employee before hiring

Avoid Bad Hire : Conduct Employment Background Check

In conclusion, the bad effects can be reduced by hiring lesser bad hires. This can be achieved by simply conducting an Employment Background Check.

Contact us to find out more how we can help you solve this problem. We want to help you reduce the hiring risk and improve your hiring process!

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