Renting Problem ?
Always Late Payment
NO Payment
Illegal Activity at your Property
Vtenant, Tenant Check helps you to avoid potential Renting Problem
It is every home/property owner’s obligation to conduct proper checks of your potential tenants. Failure to do so, put yourself and your property at risk. With Vtenant, we can provide you the due diligence required at affordable rates to make the important decision to let your property out!
What can Vtenant check for you?
Credit rating
Bankruptcy records
Civil Litigation
Criminal records
Education/Employment Verification*
Why Tenant Check is Important:
Knowing if your potential tenant have good or bad credit rating, whether they have been declared bankrupt or had been bankrupt in the past, whether they have been sued by their previous landlord, whether they have done any criminal activities in the past or are they a wanted person, these are all important factors to determine whether he/she is a good tenant.
Conducting education/employment verification can determine whether they are doing what they claimed to be.
By having all these information, you can let out your property with a peace of mind!
TYpe A
TYpe A
Credit Rating
Bankruptcy Check
Criminal Record
Civil Litigation Check
TYpe B
TYpe B
Credit Rating
Bankruptcy Check
Criminal Record
Civil Litigation Check
Education / Employment Verification
Get to Know Your Tenant
Securing your property is easy with Vtenant, fill in the form below and we will get in touch with you on the process